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Zn Bath Corrosion Behavior of the Martensitic Stainless Steels (1.4095-Type) After Variation of the Si and Cr Content in Comparison to the Ferrite-Free 316L Type (1.4409.01)

The martensitic cast steel 1.4095 shows a good corrosion resistance in liquid Zn-bath in a temperature range up to T = 480°C. In this study, the chemical composition of the 1.4095 material has been modified with respect to Si and Cr content. These modified alloys will be subjected to a static liquid corrosion test in a Zn-bath for different test durations and test temperatures. Additionally, the mechanical properties will be presented. The results are compared with the corrosion results of the ferrite-free modified 316L. Afterwards the tested samples are evaluated by means of mass loss, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.


Managing the Effects of Passline and Strip Shape on Metal Coatings

The use of automated coating control systems is commonplace in modern galvanizing lines. However, the in-creased need for higher-strength steels has required steel coil producers to adapt their processes and equip-ment to produce wider ranges of material properties and gauges. This shift has resulted in difficulties in the coating control process that producers have had to overcome — strip passline changes and shape effects. This article presents the direction of technology developments that Hatch has undertaken to address these difficulties: a laser-based strip position measurement system, and a control system to actively mitigate trans-verse curvature in the strip (crossbow).


Strip Transport Digital Twin

A strip transport digital twin simulates the process, equipment and control systems across a whole processing line based on the properties of the strip, the design of the equipment and regulation, and setup of the control. High-density recorded process data is used to tune the model for higher accuracy. Strip transport digital twins have proven valuable in a variety of applications related to tension setup and regulation, production capability, strip tracking, tension-related defects, roll wear and slip, equipment failures, and drive overloads. Digital twins are useful on both existing lines and in the design of new equipment.


Development of a New On-Line Sensor for Steel Surface Contamination

Sarclad and CRM Group have developed a new on-line sensor for steel strip contamination. The system utilizes laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to give a continuous and real-time assessment of the contamination levels post-cleaning on a typical steel strip processing line. Critically, this is the first system available that can distinguish between surface carbon and iron fines contamination with quantitative data. This will enable the highest product quality alongside optimized core cleaning section parameters to give the greatest process efficiency. This article describes the technology used, its advantages and performance in industrial trials, and addresses the practical considerations of implementing the technology in the commercial industrial environment.